2020/11/05 11:15
※OKWAVEより補足:「ESETセキュリティ ソフトウェア シリーズ」についての質問です。
回答 (7件中 1~5件目)
どこのメールサーバを使用しているのか判りませんが、添付した様な詐欺メールの類が多いので、何とかならないか? と言う話ですよね? 添付した内容の様に、明らかに送信されてくるメールアドレスも違えばメール送信日とメールの内容に書かれている日付が違うので、迷惑メールと一目で判る物もあれば、自分が今まで何をしたのか?を覚えていないですとか履歴が残っていないから判らないので、詐欺メールに応じてしまったと言うのが有ります。 例えとして、私に送られてきたのを紹介しますと・・・・ --ここから Hello! I have got some bad news for you. Two months ago, I have received access to all electronic devices you use for browsing the internet. After that I have started tracking your entire web activity. If you don't believe that I really got access to your email box, here is some persuasive evidence. Your password at the time when this email was hacked: icecubebabe Now I am going to reveal to you how it happened: I created a fake website of your email service (****.***.ne.jp) and sent you an invitation for authorization. You entered your email and current password. That's how I got your login credentials and started using your email undetected. After that I managed to easily install Trojan horse on the operating system of your device. (You did that yourself, once you opened the file in one of the phishing letters that I have created in your email). ーーー中略ーーー You transfer 1450 USD in Bitcoin equivalent to me and I once the payment is received, I will immediately delete all the evidence against you. I have been working on you and your files for two months by now, and trust me, this was just a chicken feed for me! If you don't know how to purchase and send Bitcoins, then you can simply use any search engine (Google is just fine) for assistance. So, here is my Bitcoin wallet: 1M2bs3p576Wkyw7xCo5kXpSZfANfnQDhRH --ここまで こんな恐怖心と言いますか、何が心配なのか判らないけど心配になる事を煽って金銭を請求するものまであります。 この様なメールは、通常、プロバイダーのメール受信設定で一時的に防ぐ事が出来ます。 本当に一時的です。 パソコン等で受診する場合は、迷惑メールフィルタの機能が付加されたメールソフトに変更し、迷惑メールのフィルタを設定する事で、限りなく読まないでゴミ箱へ送ることが出来ます。 どの様なメールソフトが、あなたに合っているのか?は判りませんので、自分に合うメールソフトを探してみてください。
どこのメールサーバを使用しているのか判りませんが、添付した様な詐欺メールの類が多いので、何とかならないか? と言う話ですよね?
I have got some bad news for you.
Two months ago, I have received access to all electronic devices you use for
browsing the internet.
After that I have started tracking your entire web activity.
If you don't believe that I really got access to your email box, here is some
persuasive evidence.
Your password at the time when this email was hacked: icecubebabe
Now I am going to reveal to you how it happened:
I created a fake website of your email service (****.***.ne.jp) and sent you an
invitation for authorization.
You entered your email and current password.
That's how I got your login credentials and started using your email undetected.
After that I managed to easily install Trojan horse on the operating system of
your device.
(You did that yourself, once you opened the file in one of the phishing letters
that I have created in your email).
You transfer 1450 USD in Bitcoin equivalent to me and I once the payment is
received, I will immediately delete all the evidence against you.
I have been working on you and your files for two months by now, and trust me,
this was just a chicken feed for me!
If you don't know how to purchase and send Bitcoins, then you can simply use any
search engine (Google is just fine) for assistance.
So, here is my Bitcoin wallet: 1M2bs3p576Wkyw7xCo5kXpSZfANfnQDhRH